Clarendon and Miller Community Archives
Coxvale Village

Coxvale, got its name from the original homesteaders: Agnes, Ed, Harry Cox with James and George arriving around 1876. It was the last community in the area to be established as farming was poor and settlers moved further north. The community was established along Gull and Crotch Lakes as a tourist attraction due to its excellent fishing. The first lodge began in 1921 and others followed in the 1930s and 1940s. Tourism has continued to be the main business with many lodges serving the area on both Gull and Crotch Lakes.
A post office was operated by Dave and Annie Cox from their home 1908-1925, then Napier, White and Vanalstine from 1932-1940, then George and Annie Cox from 1940-1957 before it closed. Information about the first school indicates that it was in operation from 1930-early 1950s.