Initial Opening - Clar-Mill Hall- May 9, 2006
The CMCA was officially opened to the public on May 9, 2006. The collection was housed in an open cupboard in the Plevna Branch of the KFPL at the Clar-Mill Hall on Buckshot Lake Road. Mayor Ron Maguire spoke along with members of the Advisory Committee.
Re opening of the Archives - KFPL Plevna Branch - February 9, 2010
After a hiatus caused by mold in the Clar-Mill Hall that forced a Library closure, the Archives reopened in the new Plevna Branch building on Buckshot Lake Rd. The collection was housed in a beautiful new glass-fronted locked cabinet provided by the KFPL. Mayor Ron Maguire and The Library Board Chair along with Township and Library representatives, Advisory Committee members and the general public were present.
Fifth Anniversary Celebration May 4, 2011 100 Years of Rural Women 1850-1950
To celebrate the 5th Anniversary of the Clar-Mill Archives, the Archives Committee and volunteers organized a tribute to the pioneer women of the area. Exhibits of kitchen items, furniture, cleaning implements, clothing, handicrafts, including sewing and knitting, and gardening were set up for public viewing. Mayor Bud Clayton opened the event and Mary Cook was the enthusiastic Guest Speaker.
Mississippi River Heritage Festival August 23, 2009
CMCA, along with the Cloyne and District Historical Society and Archives, and the Kennebec Historical Society, participated with a booth at the MacDonald's Corners MERA festival to commemorate the 125th Anniversary of the end of High Falls loggers' feud, and the rich heritage of the Mississippi River.
Sawmills and Logging April 7, 2009
Two locals with ties to the logging industry, Trevor Hanes and Roger Free entertained the audience with expert descriptions and demonstrations of a number of their principal tools brought for public perusal. They and other audience members reminisced about historical practices of this (particularly in early times of logrolling) potentially dangerous trade.
Jack's Jam March 1, 2008 and February 21, 2009
The CMCA provided displays and organized Silent Auction fundraisers at the Saturday Jack's Jams in the Clar Mill Hall.
The One Room School House November 21, 2008
Community participants were invited to bring their stories, pictures and other memorabilia to an evening of recollections of the local schools, their teachers and students. Andy Armstrong prepared a retrospective on early education for the evening as a supplement to his manuscript Recollections of Clarendon and Miller.
Churches October 23, 2007
A look at local churches, their history and their community activity was led by Jackie Jackson with contributions from the audience. On behalf of the Ardoch Anglican Church Rev Shirley Shouldice, Anne Hamilton and Ina Watkins presented the Archives with an 1859 Lectern Bible.
Memories of the K&P March 20, 2007
Colonel St. Pierre gave an entertaining and educational lecture on the Kingston & Pembroke Railway- lovingly known locally as the old Kick and Push.
Bernice Gunsinger November 28, 2006
Local notable Bernice Gunsinger launched the Archives' series of local history events with an entertaining question and answer session which prompted many wonderful memories from audience participants.